1,000 Game Levels 2
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This is a SHAREWARE game! If you like it and continue to use it, please
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Landslide is based on a long since extinct board game of the same name. The
object of the game is to be elected President of The United States! This is
done by winning a series of elections in all 50 states plus The District of
Columbia & Puerto Rico.
1. Before the game begins you must select the number of human & computer
players. There can be up to six total players, and at least one must
be human. The only other pre-game step is entering the players names.
2. After the players names are enter the play then begins. One of two things
will happen on a player's turn. He/she will either be awarded popular
votes OR there will be an election.
3. If popular votes were awarded this is all that will happen on that players
turn. Hit anykey, and play will continue to next player. The popular
votes just awarded will not be included in the total until the screen is
updated with the new players turn.
4. If there is an election, it will be in one of 4 regions of the country.
The region will be shown along with all remaining states not already won.
The number in parentheses is the number of electorial votes that state is
5. You win a state by bidding on it with your popular votes. Each player in
turn enters a secret bid into the computer. You may bid any amount up to
and including your total number of popular votes. (There is no prompt for
computer players bids, it is done automatically)
6. Who ever bids the most wins that state's electorial votes. And the
the player bid is deducted from his popular votes.
7. If there is an election on your turn, and you do not win the state, then
what ever the winning player bid, that is added to your popular votes.
8. Play continues until someone gets enough electorial votes to win the
election. Please note that if playing with 3 or more players the number
of electorial votes needed to win will change based upon the number of
electorial votes remaining.
9. When playing the game alone it is fairly easy to win if you select only
one computer opponent. The game becomes more difficult with each
additional computer opponent.
10. You can exit the game by hitting ESC at anytime except during the bidding
11. Each players name will flash on the scoreboard while it is thier turn.
The color of the print also determines whos turn it is.